Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture | Released 11th August 2015 | available for PS4/PC | Developed by the Chinese room / sec Santa Monica studio

Welcome to the sleepy village Yaughton , emptied of everything but memories ~ Everybody’s gone to the rapture opens with you at the edge of the segregated village. Instantly you become aware that some kind of event has occured in the very recent past : roads are barricaded off, cars abandoned in a hurry. By interacting with a multitude of memories, radios and phones left behind, you soon start to learn the fate of the former residents of Yaughton. By investigating 6 characters in 5 different areas in and around the village, the relationships of the characters lives play out in a ghostly form be for your eyes.

rapture2Everybody’s gone to the rapture is an original story with a genuine sense of foreboding and intrigue: the more you learn, the more questions you have, and the more you begin to care about the trials and tribulations the characters lives.

Beautiful graphics with a location very rarely ( if ever?) Visited by the gaming world sets this apart from the crowd and compliment the story setting perfectly. This isn’t to say this game isn’t without flaws. You travel around the village by walking at what seems an absolute crawl. There is no option to speed up proceedings ( no running allowed ) . This can be painfully slow at times, especially when it isn’t clear where you need to head towards thanks to the confusing story signboarding. Depending on what type of gamer you are ( I personally don’t mind low gameplay/high story games ) , some may find the pace just to slow. Call of duty this isn’t.

Summary – Brilliant original game with engrossing story-line, steady pace with minimal game-play, 8/10

Strong/interesting storyline
Great vocal acting
Beautiful graphics

Painfully slow locomotion
Poor story signboarding
Minimal ‘actual’ gameplay

Reviewer : Sparker_Sharky

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